Let’s Play Pickleball
Siren Court Celebration - Saturday, 9/28
Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday, September 28th to celebrate and play on the beautiful new permanent courts at the Siren Ball Park! We had a great turnout, enjoyed some fellowship and of course played some of our favorite sport — pickleball!
We would like to thank to the Siren Village Board for their partnership on this fantastic project! Special thanks to the Bernick Family Foundation, whose grant kick-started the whole project.
Finally, THANK YOU to all GDPA members who contributed through membership fees, donations and support over the last couple of years!
2024 Gandy Dancer Days Tournament
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2024 Gandy Dancer Days event on Saturday, August 10th! Please see our Facebook posts for highlights and pictures from both of our “Mixer” tournaments!
We aim to advance and promote pickleball in Siren and Webster, WI and the surrounding communities.
The Gandy Dancer Pickleball Association aims to advance and promote the game of pickleball, including education, safety, pickleball facilities, access to equipment and any other related activities that promote the enjoyment of pickleball by all ages.
Our Organization
Learn more about our mission, projects and plans for the future.
Take Action
Want to join the GDPA, volunteer to help with our projects, donate to the cause or just learn more about pickleball?